Welcome to the “Grundner Homepage”

Grundner is mainly a German surname, therefore this site is in German language.
This short summary is for all foreign visitors, who are interested in this surname.

The origin of “Grundner” is in Bavaria (Germany) and Austria. Here you can find most of the members with this surname (see the card of spreading in German areas or list of members in German areas and U.S.A.).

In former times (until 1700) yardmen were named after their home. Some yards called “im Grund” (on the ground), which means, that they were standing on a low ground or a valley. So the inhabitants were named “Grundner”. Later, when it becomes usual to keep the surname after removal, there arise many independent lines of Grundner, I think they are hundreds. But certainly almost all lines come from Bavaria or Austria, because of the dialect, which favoured this name.

By now I can offer the family trees of three Grundner-Lines from Bavaria. If you have further information please call me and I make it public here.

The most famous members of Grundner came from Munich (Bavaria). In 1790 they rise to noblemen and were called “Ritter und Edle von Grundner”. Most of them get royal positions of high repute, but one of them even had a contribution to German history. It was Georg von Gundner, who became member of the “National Assembly of Frankfurt”, which tries to build the first German democracy in 1848/49. Although the members of the assembly contained many of the greatest German personalities (it was called “parliament of the professors”), it failed, after the king of Prussia broke up the assembly.

Contacts to
Anton Grundner